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All items tagged with: 'arch'

RSS feed for this tag.

10-07-2021449Using IceWM and a Raspberry Pi as my main PC, sharing my theme, config and some tips and tricks.
09-03-2015237Build a Flexible and Powerful System with Arch Linux
29-12-2014218Arch Linux AUR PKGBUILD generate new checksums
01-12-2014212IPSEC L2TP VPN on Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi with OpenSwan, xl2tpd and ppp
29-08-2014188Build a $35 Time Capsule - Raspberry Pi Time Machine Backup Server
03-05-2014176IPv6 at Home
28-04-2014175Transmission Web on a Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux
13-01-2014155rc.local support on Arch Linux with systemd
24-07-2013113My Todo.txt Workflow, including Unison, Todour and Android
09-03-201378Screenfetch installation tutorial
01-01-201227Some Bash and Arch Tweaks